Monthly Archives: December 2024

Toy Drive: 620 Toys! Thank you!

Band and Vision Family,Thank you for your incredible generosity in supporting the toy drive. We collected 620 toys for Dell Children's Medical Center. Sebastian and Colin dropped these off yesterday. We are proud of the boys for their vision, leadership, and hard work coordinating all of the logistics of the drive and we are grateful

By |2024-12-19T13:24:14-06:00December 19th, 2024|Announcement Sheet|

Region Phase 2 Setup/Tear down

Good afternoon,We are still looking for more volunteers to help with setting up and tearing down Phase 2 Region auditions at VHS tomorrow. The priority is finding people to help with tear down, 5:00-6:00 pm, but we could also use more help setting up, 10am-12pm. If you could help out with either of these projects,

By |2024-12-06T15:24:03-06:00December 6th, 2024|Announcement Sheet|

Monday 12/9 Band Concert Start Time 630pm

Good afternoon! Next week's Holiday Concert will begin at 630pm at the South PAC at Cedar Park High School. There are many moving parts for our event that night. The performance order allows students also performing with the Choir time to travel to their concert and it allows students attending the Vision clinic time to arrive

By |2024-12-02T17:23:43-06:00December 2nd, 2024|Announcement Sheet|

Defining the Standard

Welcome to the Band Department of Vandegrift High School

The Instrumental Music Department at Vandegrift High School enrolls over 300 students from the 9th through 12th grades who study with a dedicated teaching faculty as well as private lesson instructors.

Our Philosophy of Education

Music is a fundamental piece of the human experience. Music Education is therefore a necessary endeavor to ensure that the whole child is being educated. This includes skill development, cognitive understanding, and aesthetic appreciation for many forms of music.

The primary objective of the Vandegrift High School Instrumental Music Department is to develop the performance, rehearsal, and personal practice skills of each student. The vision for the program is to “Define the Standard” in all we do.

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