Information for New-to-Program Viper Band and Vision Students – 22-23
Hello Future Viper Band and Vision Students and Parents!!
I hope you are having a great start to your week! I wanted to follow up with all of you regarding last week’s New-to-Program Meeting and get you some important information for upcoming tasks and events. As I mentioned, I encourage you all to go to to have a clear understanding of the calendar and to stay up to date with current events in our organization.
- New to Program Meeting Recap – The slides for the New-to-Program Meeting are linked so that you have an opportunity to review information presented. Please find the slides at the following link:
- Directory Form – All New-to-Program students need to fill out a Directory Form. Please note that the indicated grade should be for next year (22-23). This form is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure effective communication and we ask that it is completed by Friday, May 20. Please submit ONE directory form per family with all of your students on that submission (up to 3).
- Uniform Fitting Form – All incoming band students (not Vision) need to complete this Uniform Form by May 27. If you have any questions on how to fill it out, please email
- Physical – As a reminder from the meeting, all VHS Band and Vision students are required to have a physical completed by a physician, prior to the start of marching season. The appropriate form to be printed and filled out is linked below. It is not necessary to email this form to a band director. Physicals will be turned in at Band Registration on July 30.
- Band Placement Auditions – Schedules for Band Placement Auditions are attached. All band placement auditions will be held at the VHS Band Hall. If you have questions, please email asap.
- Viper Music and Vision Camp! – We look forward to seeing your student at Viper Music and Vision Camp from 5:30-8:30 on Tuesday-Thursday, May 17-19 and Friday, May 20. On May 20, there will be a short preview concert at 6:30 PM in the Competition Gym, followed by a parent and student social event. Transportation to Vandegrift will be provided for CRMS students. All students will be picked up by parents at the conclusion of each day.
- Students should wear athletic shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt, and bring a water bottle. If your student plays a school-owned instrument, it will be provided. Otherwise, all students should bring their personal instrument and accessories (mouthpiece, reed, etc.). All music will be provided.
School-Owned Instrument Questions? – email
Percussion Questions? – email
Audition Questions? – email
Calendar/Program Administration Questions? – email
We look forward to having you all in the program! Please be sure you get the directory form taken care of as this information will be our main source of communication for band updates and announcements during the summer break.
Go Vipers!