Viper Band and Vision Family,
It’s Homecoming Week!! Please make plans to see your student perform at the Community Pep Rally on Wednesday. For the Homecoming Game, we will perform the entire show pre-game. SCHEDULING UPDATE – We will NOT have rehearsal on Monday, 10/17 (tomorrow). We have adjusted the schedule to be sure the students have tomorrow afternoon off. Students- please note that we start at 2:45 PM on Wednesday, rather than our typical time of 3:00 PM. This has been corrected in the Announcement Sheet and the Itinerary for the Parade/Pep Rally.
I have also included the itinerary for the UIL 6A Area H Marching Contest which will be held in Judson ISD next Saturday, 10/30. The band staff is looking forward to a GREAT 3-1/2 weeks left in our marching season. Parents – be sure not to miss any opportunities to see the students perform ‘Juliet Letters’ over the next three weeks!!
Go Vipers.