Monthly Archives: February 2023

Announcement Sheet, Week of 2/27/2023

Good morning Viper Band and Vision families, We have a couple of concerts coming up, and are about to wrap up our Mulch Fundraiser! Due to the ice storm, we have extended the last day to order to March 6th.  Make sure you are reaching out to potential donors and buyers this week!   The

By |2023-02-27T14:23:39-06:00February 27th, 2023|Announcement Sheet|

Announcement Sheet, Week of 02/06/2023

Good morning Viper Band and Vision families, I hope everyone has had a chance to thaw out and clean up after the week we all just had. The announcement sheet is linked below, but I want to bring to everyone's attention our Booster Meeting on Tuesday, February 7 at 7:00pm in the Band Hall

By |2023-02-05T13:25:36-06:00February 5th, 2023|Announcement Sheet|

Defining the Standard

Welcome to the Band Department of Vandegrift High School

The Instrumental Music Department at Vandegrift High School enrolls over 300 students from the 9th through 12th grades who study with a dedicated teaching faculty as well as private lesson instructors.

Our Philosophy of Education

Music is a fundamental piece of the human experience. Music Education is therefore a necessary endeavor to ensure that the whole child is being educated. This includes skill development, cognitive understanding, and aesthetic appreciation for many forms of music.

The primary objective of the Vandegrift High School Instrumental Music Department is to develop the performance, rehearsal, and personal practice skills of each student. The vision for the program is to “Define the Standard” in all we do.

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