2022-2023 Officer Openings in the VHS Band Booster Board
Band & Vision Parents,
As we continue our planning process for next year, the VHS Booster Board Nominating Committee is working on filling two open positions on the Band Booster Executive Board. Interested parents should reach out to Kyle Fieleke, VHS Band Booster Vice President by the end of this week to be considered. For those that have already reached out, thank you!
The open Officer positions for 2022-2023 are:
VICE PRESIDENT – 2 year term
The VP position is responsible for volunteer signups and chaperone coordination during the marching season, and performs other duties as requested by the Executive Board. The VP will move into the President role in Year Two (and Past President in Year 3 if their student is still in the program)
TREASURER-ELECT – 2 year term
The Treasurer-Elect role assists the Treasurer in Year One, and acts as Treasurer in Year Two. It is recommended that the Treasurer has a strong financial and/or accounting background and knowledge of QuickBooks Online.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming the Vice President or the Treasurer-elect, please email Kyle Fieleke, Band Booster Vice President at vp@vhsband.com.
Go Vipers!