Greetings, Viper Band and Vision Families!
Please see the Weekly Announcement Sheet for 8-12
Thank you for a terrific second week of summer band rehearsals. Our students have been engaged, enthusiastic, and highly motivated as we have worked through basic skill exercises and learned the first portion of our 2024 competitive routine. We have learned about two minutes of our eight-minute show and look forward to pressing ahead next week after a much-needed weekend of rest and relaxation.
Next week, we are excited for Monday evening’s rehearsal and Tuesday’s teacher appreciation breakfast performance/last summer band practice. We also have our end-of-summer band party at Main Event on Friday evening, the 16th. Please see the weekly schedule for more details on these events.
School begins for Leander ISD on Wednesday, August 14th. As we transition from summer band into school mode, we understand our members will need time to acclimate. We will not have practice on the first day of school but will resume our traditional weekly schedule on Thursday, the 15th. The schedule for all after-school practices is posted on the VHS Band Calendar at
As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Have a great day,
Mr. Lipman