Good morning Viper Band and Vision families,

Wow! This month has gone by quickly….we are almost into February. Vision, Percussion, and Wind students are all diligently working on material for their concerts. Please keep an eye on the calendar to attend these concerts throughout the spring!

Percussion Ensemble Concert – March 5 (Auditorium)
Chamber Music Concert – March 7 (Auditorium)
Visionary – March 27-28 (Auditorium)
UIL Concert (Pre-UIL) – April 3 (Auditorium)
UIL Concert (Concert/Sightreading) – April 9-10 (Leander HS PAC)

There is a required Mulch Kick-off Meeting for all Band/Vision students on Tuesday @ 7:30am in the band hall. Students arrive by 7:25am so we can start on time!

Announcement Sheet, Week of 1/29

Go Vipers!
Mrs. VanDoren